Connecting Vectr (Detect)

Currently only Vectr 8.xx version is supported. While 9.xx will allow you to setup the integration and see the campaign, there will be no events.

Environment Name

If applicable, create a new environment within Vectr to host your Prelude Detect test results


An API key is needed for this integration, if necessary create a new API Key/Secret

Prelude Detect Configuration

You can configure the Vectr integration through the UI or through the PreludeCLI.


Click on your username in the top right hand corner and select "Account Settings". Then select "Manage Integrations"



Run the following command to connect Detect to Vectr

prelude partner attach vectr --user EnvironmentName/OrganizationName --secret APIKEY/APISECRET --api https://vectr_server

Replace EnvironmentName with the appropriate name from Vectr

Replace OrganizationName with the appropriate organization name from Vectr

Replace vectr_server with the appropriate URI for your Vectr instance. Vectr must be internet facing for the Detect service to connect.

Run Tests

After a successful connection, executed tests will be sent to Vectr